Transform how you teach
Movement specialist and owner of Movementality in Melbourne, Ashleigh Berry explains to us how we get our clients to move is just as important as what we ask them to do.
Pilates Journal talks to Ashleigh Berry
When was the last time you explained something in detail to a client and they looked more perplexed than before you started explaining? We’ve all been there. In this moment did you make the assumption that they didn’t get it, and that they were missing something? It may sound harsh, but if the client is confused, it’s more likely a reflection on how you’ve demonstrated or explained it, rather than something they’ve done wrong. Perhaps you said too much or overcomplicated the answer. Maybe it’s time to take a breath, revise your approach and try something different.
Pilates Journal asked Ashleigh Berry, movement specialist and owner of Movementality in Melbourne, for her insights into how we make clients move better. Ashleigh understands all too well the nuances involved in working with our clients and how we get our clients to move is just as important as what we ask them to do.

Pain and Pilates - breath, move, load and celebrate!
This article was originally written for the PAA - below is a copy of the article.
There are so many old expressions that spring to mind when we are talking about pain, particularly in relation to exercise. ‘Pain is weakness leaving the body’ is the classic one I grew up with in the rugby sheds of New Zealand. These expressions usually revolve around the fact that being in pain creates the opportunity for us to experience growth and pleasure. Now this may have been true to those who originally made those statements, but if we are talking about pain in relation to the human body and movement, there are a few extra things to consider before pushing through to the glory we’ve been promised.