Do you panic when a client tells you an exercise hurts? Feel like you need to throw out your whole session plan if pain is present? Think it's on you to know the answers about WHY it hurts?
Too often, we as instructors end up using the Wunda chair for three or four basic exercises as an afterthought or when more substantial apparatus isn’t available.
Having elite athletes as clients presents a series of unique and fascinating challenges. How can you effectively prepare someone who is already in prime physical condition?
Developmental movement patterns are the foundation for how every human on this planet moves. Could they be the key to better understanding learned movement dysfunction?
Many of our clients are attending Pilates as well as the gym, or are wanting to work back to a safe Gym program after injury. This workshop combines the extensive knowledge of Cross Fit training and Strength and Conditioning work of Melissa Anderson with the anatomical and pathological knowledge of Jen Guest.
This workshop explores 4 class plans specifically for Cadillac/Trapeze, and tower units, with a lot of cross-over for Wall units and springboards. Carla discusses variations/modifications for a variety of conditions, and certain classes that are better for some conditions than others.
The Starfish Masterclass is based on the naval radiation movement pattern that you developed in utero. This movement pattern sets up your ability to move from your centre. When your movement is organised around and from the centre of your body, you will perform any task with greater efficiency power and ease.
This workshop dissects guidelines, cross examines with current research in the woman’s health field and suggests a new paradigm for working with prenatal women in Pilates. We will explore language and somatic techniques before considering an assessment tool to use each session.
We all know how prevalent stress can be in our clients lives, but often we don’t recognise the physical impact that has on us. Katie discusses the ways stress can show up through pain and dis-ease, and offers practical solutions to engage with your clients.
Follow along with this recording of a Movementality Staff Class, discussing how we can use our deep abdominal muscles, and the why, across multiple pieces of appartus.
This workshop explores the science behind different learning styles, and how the interact within each style, and how we as Pilates teachers can utilise different cues and teaching styles to help facilitate how information is portrayed to our clients, so it lands every time.
Explore how the structural concept of Tensegrity is overlaid in Pilates, and how we can manipulate the simple planes of movements in order to facilitate greater Tensegrity in our bodies. We blend theory with practical, mat and mixed equipment
Andy will be talking about how the foot naturally functions and how conventional shoes affect this. We will then discuss plantar heel pain and hallux abducto valgus in more detail.
Explore simple but highly effective concepts on how to maximise the feeling of length for our clients in every session.
Chris Kelly uses his extensive knowledge of The Franklin Method, and Pilates, to bring together a beautiful blend of theory and practical exercises relating to the Shoulder joint.
Miriam Jones uses her 20+ years of experience in the Pilates industry to explore what articulation of the spine can look like on the mat, and the reformer.
Melbourne Pilates legend Kimi Broadbent takes you through a beautiful exploration of shoulder anatomy, blending theory and practical across the mat and Pilates apparatus.
Based on the work of Thomas Hanna and Irmgard Bartinieff, this workshop uses structured exercises and free movement experientials to access and unlock chronic muscular tension that has built up in our bodies because of our sedentary way of life.
Let Nicholas Psarros and Chris Kelly take you through the break down of one of the more challenging Pilates exericses, and building yourself back up to being able to complete it on the Mat and Reformer
Recorded from The Pilates Brunch in 2023, this workshop delves in to simple but highly effective tools for bringing our intrisic foot muscles into your Footwork series, and other simple ideas to utilise the feet.
Hip, glute and pelvis tightness are common themes in people presenting to a Pilates studio. We will explore some ideas about why this can happen, how we can release and stretch (and whether this is appropriate), but most importantly strengthen the muscles to help facilitate better movement.
Let Melbourne Pilates legend Bruce Hildebrand guide you through all things Pilates and knees. Cover the basic anatomy, biomechanics, and participate in practical exercises to help reduce the likelihood and recurrance of knee pain for your clients in the Pilates studio.
This workshop covers the detail an science behind what ideal, physiologically normal breathing looks like, in relation to the work of Physiotherapist and researcher, Tess Graham teaches. This is overlaid to a Pilates understanding by Ash Berry.
This workshop combines the amazing biomechanical knowledge of Natural Podiatrist Andy Bryant, with the indepth practical experience of Pilates Practitioner Rob Carruthers, to learn when to recommend someone changes their footwear, and how Pilates assists someone on that journey towards more minimalist footwear.
This workshop explores the requirements for a person to be able to build up to running again, if they have been sedentary for some time. It follows the basic science, and then covers Pilates exercises used to build up strength in key areas.