Recordings of amazing workshops Skip to Videos All | Alex O'Neill-King | Pain Science | Wunda Chair | Elite Athletes/Sports teams | Helen Stamatakos | Developmental Movement | Jen Guest | Melissa Anderson | Gym Training | Cadillac/Trapeze | Tower | Carla Mullins | Maggie Macgill | Prenatal | Katie Crane | Mental Health | Learning | Running | Breathing | Ballet | Knees | Bruce Hildebrand | Pelvis | Julia Frankish | Classical Pilates | Nicholas Psarros | Somatic Movement Therapy | Ash Berry | Kimi Broadbent | Shoulder | Spine | Miriam Jones | Reformer | Franklin Method | Chris Kelly | Feet | Andy Bryant | Mixed Equipment | Rob Carruthers | Pilates | Alex O'Neill-King, Pain Science, Getting Curious About Pain In The Studio Do you panic when a client tells you an exercise hurts? Feel like you need to throw out your whole session plan if pain is present? Think it's on you to know the answers about WHY it hurts?