Developmental movement patterns are the foundation for how every human on this planet moves. Could they be the key to better understanding learned movement dysfunction?
This workshop dissects guidelines, cross examines with current research in the woman’s health field and suggests a new paradigm for working with prenatal women in Pilates. We will explore language and somatic techniques before considering an assessment tool to use each session.
Follow along with this recording of a Movementality Staff Class, discussing how we can use our deep abdominal muscles, and the why, across multiple pieces of appartus.
This workshop explores the science behind different learning styles, and how the interact within each style, and how we as Pilates teachers can utilise different cues and teaching styles to help facilitate how information is portrayed to our clients, so it lands every time.
This workshop covers the detail an science behind what ideal, physiologically normal breathing looks like, in relation to the work of Physiotherapist and researcher, Tess Graham teaches. This is overlaid to a Pilates understanding by Ash Berry.
Based on the work of Thomas Hanna and Irmgard Bartinieff, this workshop uses structured exercises and free movement experientials to access and unlock chronic muscular tension that has built up in our bodies because of our sedentary way of life.